



  我单位现委托 (姓名)作为我单位合法委托代理人,授权其代表我单位进行_____________设计工作。该委托代理人的授权范围为:代表我单位与你们进行磋商、签署文件和处理______________活动有关的事务。在整个__________过程中,该代理人的一切行为,均代表本单位,与本单位的行为具有同等法律效力。本单位将承担该代理人行为的全部法律后果和法律责任。


  代理人姓名: 性别:

  年龄: 职务:



  日期: 年 月 日





  Business training letter 1

  This accredit a power of attorney statement: I... (name), jincheng _______ the legal representative of the limited company (entrust unit name), in order to further carry out _______ the project work, according to business needs, we decided to authorize _______ co., LTD. (the entrusted company name) agent company for me, on behalf of my company, work in the _______ project.

  Accordance with the requirements of the company law and corporation management of branch company, entrusted to _________ (name), _______ (id), to the branch manager, dealt with the company in this project all matters within the scope of authority, the agent in the process of contract negotiations to sign all documents and handle all related affairs, I shall be admitted.

  Scope of authorization:

  1. Business introduction;

  2. Negotiate and negotiate with the head office;

  3. The agent shall negotiate and sign the contract according to the authorized representative office.

  4. This delegation is valid from the completion of this project.

  The agent has no right to transfer. Hereby entrust.

  Appoint order: ________________ (stamp) legal representative: ________________ (signature or stamp) the entrusted company:.., the legal representative (signature or seal) : ________________ (signature or stamp)

  Date: ___ (month) ___ day

  Business training letter 2

   construction engineering co., LTD.

  This accredit a power of attorney statement: I (name) is the legal representative of the units (name), now authorize the agent (name) for our company to your company in the name of the unit engineering activities of the project, in charge of the project bidding, contract negotiation and signing, GeTongKuan settlement and payment, field management and so on all matters related to engineering, and the unit to which the I shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

  The term of entrustment shall not be until the actual performance of the contract has been completed since the ____ day of ____.

  Agent (signature or seal) :

  Legal representative (signature or seal) : authorized unit (seal) :

  Date of delegation: X X of X

  (a copy of the agent's id card here)
