专利名称:Method and apparatus for evaluating the
performance of dielectric substances
发明人:Kato, Takayuki申请号:EP84102243.7申请日:19840302公开号:EP0121739B1公开日:19880629
摘要:An apparatus for evaluating the performance of a dielectric substance includes:at least a pair of electrodes (1) disposed in contact with the dielectric substance to bemeasured; a power supply (2) for applying a pulse voltage to the electrodes (1); a currentdetector (3) for detecting a transient response current flowing between the electrodesdependent on the component of the dielectric substance disposed between the
electrodes (1); and a signal processor (4) for evaluating the performance of the dielectricsubstance. The performance evaluation may be performed based on at least one of apeak value of the transient response current at a certain period of time, a differencebetween the peak value and a value at a fixed period of time after the peak value, and aratio of the peak value to the difference between the two values. With this method andapparatus, the performance of the dielectric substance can quantitatively be evaluated.
代理机构:Blumbach Weser Bergen Kramer