西安工程大学 硕士学位论文
论文题目: 私力救济的
姓 名: 王艳丽 指导教师: 阮怀堂 副教授 完成日期: 2010年12月
专 业: 思想政治教育
摘 要
Functional Analysis and Regulation of Self-Remedy
Self-remedy, one of the remedies, means that the individual defends his rights all by himself without putting the case to the court or asking for the agencies’ help. Through the law of das negative des negation, self-remedy has more patterns of manifestation, the range is more widely and the effect is more obvious. Even the public right organization uses it to realize the goal by offering a reward and mobbing law. Hence, it’s necessary to know about the function of self-remedy thoroughly, and make it in the legal and moral way.
Self-remedy has a long history, the existent necessity has been proved in Politics and Sociology. Self-remedy solves the knottiness and keeps a harmonious society with the advantages of lower cost and higher efficiency than the public-remedy by self-rule. The more important thing is self-remedy applies a new scenario to supervise the government, which meets the requirement that “the authority is from people and must be supervised by people”. Then the justifiable function of self-remedy is indubitable. At the same time, the limitation of self-remedy is critical to realize the justifiable function. The implements of self-remedy must be controlled in a legal range, the measures of self-remedy must be indispensable, and the degree of the self-remedy should be equal to the lost without destroying the public interests and order. However, self-remedy is like a wild horse hard to harness. The creditors always ignore the line between legal and illegal to entrench the human rights and destroy the social order and moral principles. The violent self-remedy entrenches the habeas corpus, while the cold violent self-remedy destroys human’s indignity. The suicide takes chaos into the society. Therefore, ruling self-remedy seems quite important. According to the weak points, self-remedy should be put in order from legal and moral angles as a prediction of the limits to the legitimacy of self-help. Bring the existing guidance and control of law into practice, such as self-defense, necessity, lien, deposit and defense right etc. Put those self-remedies which need to be clear and
specific under law. While some aspects which the law should not or can not intervene should be under the regulation of the principle of law to ensure that the applicable legal basis for self-remedy by making the bound of the certainty of the law and the flexibility of the principle. At the same time, strengthening the moral construction and promoting the civic moral attainment make self-remedy into a good way of communication by dealing with the disputes. And strengthening the authority’s moral responsibility is more important in to prohibit the lynching in the public government. The integrity institution is built for the specific operation on the ethical regulation of self-remedy. Through the regulation of self-remedy, implement self-remedy within the rational limits to eliminate those unnecessary social disputes.
Wang Yanli ( Education in Ideology and Politics )
Directed by Associate Professor Ruan Huaitang
Key Words: self-remedy, functional legitimacy, functional limit, moral regulation, legal regulation