专利名称:Spatial positioning system
发明人:Beliveau, Yvan Joseph,Lundberg, Eric J.,Pratt,
Timothy,Dornbusch, Andrew W.
摘要:A spatial apparatus providing three-dimensional position information andmethods to utilize the position information for improved surveying, construction layout,equipment operations, manufacturing control and autonomous vehicle control includes
at least three, preferably four, fixed referent stations (210). A minimum of two, preferablythree, of the fixed stations sweeps a spread laser beam horizontally across the site ofinterest. The remaining fixed station sweeps a spread beam vertically across the site ofinterest. A strobe signal is emitted from each fixed station when the rotation mechanismactuates a rotation datum. The spatial positioning apparatus also includes one or moreportable sensors (240). The portable position sensor includes a light sensitive detector,and is linked to a computer and a display. The x, y, z coordinates of the portable positionsensor are obtained through a triangulation technique based on time marks receivedfrom each spread laser beam from the fixed stations and the rotation datum receivedfrom the strobe of each fixed station for use for productivity improvements forequipment and for control of autonomous vehicles.
地址:Innovation Center, 1800 Kraft Drive, Suite 106 Blacksburg, VA 24060 US
代理机构:Walsh, Michael Joseph