


Procedure Number 程序编号 Rev. No版本 Page页码 HY-WP-W-003 1 1 of 21 Document Status: 文件状态: PRE/准备 CFC/执行 Reference procedure No./Rev./参考程序编号/版本: N/A不适用 Document Title文件名称: Procedure for Welding Materials Control 焊接材料的控制程序 Document Type/文件类型 :Working Procedure工作程序 Name &Title 姓名及职务 Signature/Date 签名及日期 职务: Title: Signature/Date: 签名及日期 Approved by 批准 Prepared by 编制 Reviewed by 审核 QA Reviewer QA审核 Translator 翻译 Translation reviewer译审 Copyright Declaration:版权声明 : This document is the property of the SNPEMC. It must not be used, reproduced, transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of SNPEMC。 本程序未经山东核电设备制造有限公司书面批准不得外用、复制和泄露

Procedure for Welding Material Control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003


Historical Records of Modification 修改历史记录 版本Rev. 发布日期Issue date 修改范围及依据Scope and Basis of the Modification 1

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Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003


Table of Contents

目 录

1. 2. 3. 4.

Purpose目的 ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Applicable Scope范围 ....................................................................................................................... 4 References参考文件 ......................................................................................................................... 4 Responsibility职责 ............................................................................................................................ 4 4.1 Technical Department技术部 ....................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Construction Management Department工程部 ............................................................................ 5 4.3 Quality Management Department质量管理部 ............................................................................. 6 5.

Detailed Descriptions详细说明 ........................................................................................................ 6 5.1 Acceptance Inspection of Welding Material焊接材料的验收 ..................................................... 6 5.2 Storage of Welding Material焊接材料的保管 ............................................................................. 6 5.3 Distribution of Welding Material(Level I warehouse)焊接材料的发放(一级库) ........................ 7 5.4 Baking of Welding Material焊接材料的烘干 ............................................................................. 7 5.5 Maintenance of Welding Material焊接材料的保温 .................................................................... 8 5.6 Distribution of Welding Material (Level II Warehouse) 焊接材料的发放(二级库) .............. 9 5.7 Use of Welding Material焊接材料的使用 ................................................................................. 10 5.8 Recovery and re-bake requirement Welding Material 剩余焊材的回收与再次烘干 ................ 11 6.

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Appendix附录 ................................................................................................................................. 12

Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 1. Purpose目的

This procedure sets forth the management requirements for reception, storage, baking & drying, distribution and recycles of welding materials.

本程序描述了焊接材料的验收、储存、烘干、发放与回收等的管理。 2. Applicable Scope范围

The procedure is applicable for CV and module assembly and erection at HaiYang site of Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

本程序适用于山东核电设备制造有限公司海阳CV和模块的组装及安装。 3. References参考文件

ASME Section II Subsection C Edition 2001, including 2002 Addenda. ASME Ⅱ 卷C篇 2001版,2002增补

ASME Section Ⅲ Division 1 Subsection NE Class MC Components, Edition 2001, including 2002 Addenda

ASEM Ⅲ卷NE分卷 MC级设备 2001版,2002增补 Quality Assurance Manual for Haiyang Project HY-QAM 海阳项目质量保证手册 HY-QAM 4. Responsibility职责

4.1 Technical Department技术部 4.1.1 Welding Engineer焊接工程师

1) Be responsible for post training of baking operators; 负责对焊材烘干员进行上岗培训;

2) Be responsible for technical guidance of weld material drying; 负责焊材烘干的技术指导;

3) Prepare technical requirements for controlling of welding materials. 确定焊材控制的技术要求;

4) Prepare welding materials requirement planning, distribution plan and distribution sheet of welding



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Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 4.1.2 Material Section物资组

1) Be responsible for reception, storage, maintenance and distribution of welding materials. 负责一级库中焊接材料的接收和贮存、保管和发放;

2) Be responsible for providing quality certificates and verification report ( if applicable ) of welding



3) Be responsible for preparing and recording welding material release record for distribution from Level

I to Level II warehouse, see appendix X for record form. 编制并记录一级库中焊材发放记录, 记录样表见附件9。 4.2 Construction Management Department工程部 4.2.1 Welding Material Baking Operator焊材烘干员

1) Be responsible for storage, baking, maintenance, distribution and recovery of welding materials in

Level II Warehouse;


2) Record temperature and humidity of Level II ware house (See Appendix 1 for record form). Prepare

welding material label in the baking oven (See Appendix 2 for record form). Prepare welding material label in maintenance oven (See Appendix 3 for record form). Prepare baking record of welding materials (See Appendix 4 for record form).

记录二级库的温度和湿度(见附录1) 和焊接材料的烘干记录(见附录4)。编制烘干箱内焊接材料标签(见附录2)和恒温箱内焊接材料的标签(见附录3);

3) Prepare special record for welding materials distribution; see record form for appendix 5. The record

shall include specification and classifications of welding materials, heat NO, lot NO, distribution time, maintenance records, signature of withdrawal personnel. Prepare warehouse in/out record, see appendix 9.


4) Dispose the recycled waste welding rods and welding rod ends and Place them in a fixed location. 负责对回收的废焊条和焊条头做出处理,存放于固定位置。 4.2.2 Welder/Welding Operator焊工/焊接操作工

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Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 1) After receiving welding electrodes, put them into portal oven immediately. 焊条领用后,立即将其装入保温桶中;

2) Welding materials received shall be correctly used on designated welding seams. 将领取的焊接材料,正确地使用到指定焊缝上;

3) Unused welding materials and electrode ends shall be returned to baking room. 将未使用完的焊接材料和焊条头退回烘干房; 4.3 Quality Management Department质量管理部

1) The inspectors implement acceptance inspection for welding materials; 检查人员对焊接材料进行接收检查;

2) The inspectors will supervise & inspect the management, use of welding materials. 质量人员对焊接材料的管理和使用进行监督、监查。 5. Detailed Descriptions详细说明

5.1 Acceptance Inspection of Welding Material焊接材料的验收

5.1.1 Welding material, which provided by SNPEMC with complete and clear labels, integral package, and complete quality documents can be inspected and then accepted.

SNPEMC提供的焊接材料必须标志齐全、清晰,包装完整,质量文件齐全,方可验收入库。 5.1.2 ASME welding materials shall be identified by label (see appendix 6) after acceptance.

ASME焊接材料验收合格后,贴上附录6的标签 5.2 Storage of Welding Material焊接材料的保管

5.2.1 The welding material to be used for ASME code items should be stored separately and with obvious identifications.


5.2.2 Recommended storage conditions for welding material, which is provided by manufactory, shall be preferred and followed, the corresponding requirements identified in this procedure shall be satisfied where without recommended presentation.

应首选和遵循制造厂推荐的焊材贮存条件。当没有推荐介绍时,应满足本程序中明确的相应要求。 If welding materials are not removed from manufacturer package, they may store at ambient temperature in level I warehouse. Once electrodes are taken from manufacturer package, they shall be stored and dried

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Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 according to manufacturer instruction in level II warehouse.


5.2.3 The welding material shall be placed on the shelf with at least 300mm distance away from ground and wall.


5.2.4 The level II warehouse (baking room) shall be provided with air conditioner, dehumidifier and temperature & relative humidity indicator for controlling temperature and humidity in the room.


5.2.5 In the Level II warehouse (baking room), the temperature shall be controlled at the range of 20℃ to 40℃, and relative humidity should be controlled as lower than 50%.

在焊材二级库(烘干房)内,温度应控制在20℃~40℃,相对湿度应控制在50%以下。 5.3 Distribution of Welding Material(Level I warehouse)焊接材料的发放(一级库)

5.3.1 The administrator of Level I warehouse (welding material warehouse) shall distribute welding material to Level II warehouse (welding material baking room) according to the requirements of Welding Engineer, and then make record. Welding engineer shall sign on the record (see appendix 9 for record).


5.3.2 Welding engineer will determine the type and quantity of welding material that distributed to welder /welding operator by Level II warehouse baking operator.

一级库管理员向二级库发放的焊材的类型、数量由焊接工程师决定。 5.4 Baking of Welding Material焊接材料的烘干

5.4.1 Before the baking welding electrode, baking operator shall check and confirm the model/trademark, specification and heat or lot No. of welding material in conformity with the quality certificate and in-store record of welding material before putting electrodes into the baking oven.


5.4.2 Baking temperature of welding material shall supplied by manufactory and meet the requirement of specification. When temperature ranges are different, obvolute part will be taken as baking temperature. When temperature ranges are totally different, baking temperature shall be confirmed by owner or design party.

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Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 焊接材料的烘干温度应由生产厂家提供并满足焊材分类标准。当两者烘干温度有所差异时,取交叉重叠部分作为实际烘干温度。当两者没有交叉重叠部分时,应按照设计方或业主方的要求对焊接材料进行烘干。

For example: For E018M-H4R, manufactory recondition baking temperature is 370℃, ASME SFA5.5 baking temperature is 260℃~427℃. The actual temperature will be used is 370℃~427℃.

例:E9018-MH4R焊条,厂家推荐烘干温度为370℃,ASME SFA5.5推荐烘干温度为260℃~427℃。实际制定的烘干温度为370℃~427℃。

5.4.3 The welding material should be baked for immediate use according to the actual demands, preventing welding electrodes from uneven heating or humidity discharge failure in baking.


5.4.4 Baking personnel should bake welding rod strictly in conformity with the baking procedure, and sudden baking and sharp cooling should be prevented for avoiding fall-off of scale.


5.4.5 One baking oven can bake only the welding rod of one trademark at the same time. Different welding rod ovens/batch No. and specifications should be separated by partition and be indicated.


5.4.6 Soldering flux used for SAW welding of carbon steel and low alloy steel: soldering flux with damaged package must be rejected or baked for one hour at no lower than 260℃. The unpacked soldering flux must be immediately distributed. If unpacked soldering flux is to be used, the top one-inch-thick soldering flux must be rejected. The damp soldering flux must be prohibited in use.


5.4.7 The baking temperature should be automatically controlled by the device calibrated, after set up by baking operator. Baking personnel should keep records on baking.

烘干温度经烘干员设定好后,由经过标定并在有效期内的装置自动进行控制,烘干员做好烘干记录。 5.5 Maintenance of Welding Material焊接材料的保温

5.5.1 After baking, welding electrode shall be kept in maintenance oven. Holding temperature shall be supplied by manufacturer, and meet the requirements of specification. When temperature ranges are different, obvolute part will be taken as baking temperature. When temperature ranges are totally different, preference of

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Revision:1 specification requirements shall be taken.


Example: Holding temperature of electrode E9018-MH4R is 105℃~150℃ supplied by manufacturer, and temperature recommended by SFA 5.5 is 121℃~149℃. The temperature which applied on site is 121℃~149℃.


5.5.2 The trademark label posted on the door of constant temperature cabinet should indicate the trademark, specification, oven/batch No. and constant temperature conditions of the welding rod in the cabinet.


5.5.3 One maintenance oven can only hold one trademark of welding electrode at the same time; electrodes in different heat/lot No. and size but in same trademark shall be separated by partition and be marked.


5.5.4 The constant temperature should be automatically controlled by device calibrated, after set up by baking operator. Baking personnel should keep records on baking.

恒温温度经烘干员设定后,由经过标定并在有效期内的装置自动进行控制。烘干员做好恒温记录。 5.6 Distribution of Welding Material (Level II Warehouse) 焊接材料的发放(二级库)

5.6.1 The construction team leader will fill in collection list (Appendix 8) of welding material according to the WPS, which approved by welding engineer. The welder can only withdraw welding material according to the collection list. List NO shall be filled in remark blank of welding step in traveler for QC verification at site.

施工班组长根据焊接工艺卡,填写附录8焊接材料领用单,并由焊接工程师审批。焊工凭焊材领用单领取相应的焊材,焊接材料领用单编号填写至流转卡焊接操作步骤备注栏内,便于QC现场核查。 5.6.2 The baking operator places electrode into portable oven, welding wire canister or soldering flux thermal-insulating vessel for welder’s personal use. The quantity of each distribution should not exceed the quantity of half-a-day use; and, the baking operator should confirm a distribution quantity in conformity with the collection list of welding material. No welding material is distributed with no collection certificate of welding material.


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Revision:1 不得发放焊材。

5.6.3 One portable oven can contain only one trademark of electrode, and one welding wire canister can contain only the welding wire of one trademark.


5.6.4 Re-dry shall not exceed 2 times, after baking twice, welding rod will be disposed following “scrap”. Without special treatment requirement, welding wire can be directly distributed in original form.


5.6.5 When welding material is distributed, the baking operator fills in “thermal-insulating canister or welding wire canister label” and fixes on portable oven, welding wire canister or soldering flux thermal insulating vessel.

在发放焊材时,烘干员填写“保温筒、焊丝筒标签”后固定在保温筒、焊丝筒或焊剂保温容器上。 5.6.6 The baking operator keeps records on distribution & recovery of welding materials each time, and the welder should sign on records for confirming.

烘干员做好每一次的焊材发放回收记录,领取材料的焊工要签字确认。 5.7 Use of Welding Material焊接材料的使用

5.7.1 During the process of welding, the welder ensures that portal quiver of welding rod is connected to a power source for heating & portal quiver. The portal oven can maintain the temperature at 70-150℃. Any operation trouble of the portal oven should be immediately reported, rectified or repaired for ensuring the performance of service.


Example: Temperature of portable oven for E9018 shall be 121℃~149℃. 例:存放E9018的焊条保温桶内的温度应在121℃~149℃范围内。

5.7.2 The welder will take out a welding rod from his exclusive thermal-insulating canister piece-by-piece & use the welding rod immediately after it’s taken out. Once welding rod is taken out, the cover of thermal-insulating canister should be closed at any time.

焊工从自己专用保温筒中逐根取焊条,保温筒盖要随时关上, 焊条取出后应立即使用。

5.7.3 The use of welding rod should start from the end with no label to make sure traceability of whole welding process, and ensuring free of oil, rust, scale and other dirt on the surface of welding wire.


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Revision:1 5.7.4 The welder will put the damaged welding rod and end of welding rod into the waste canister for personal use and return regularly for ensuring there is no welding rod/wire end in the working area.


5.7.5 The disk-like welding wire should be kept against dampness. The welding wire on a wire-feeding device overnight should be covered by canvas or plastic cloth for reducing dampness. The welding wire not in use for 2-3 days should be air-tightly packed & returned to the warehouse for storage.


5.8 Recovery and re-bake requirement Welding Material 剩余焊材的回收与再次烘干

5.8.1 When a shift is over or welding completed, the welder will return the welding rod thermal-insulating canister and/or welding wire canister as well as left welding material to baking room and moreover, carry back the end of welding rod, which will be recovered as wastes after the baking operator’s inspection and signature of both sides.


5.8.2 If low-hydrogen electrodes have never be exposed to atmosphere and portable oven share the same temperature with insulation oven that recovered electrodes can be directly put back into insulation oven. Otherwise, recovered electrodes shall be painted at the end, blue color for first recovery, and yellow for second recovery.


5.8.3 Low-hydrogen electrodes which have been exposed to atmosphere over 1 hour shall be sent back for baking. When those electrodes have been reissued, construction team leader shall remark it on construction record (See record in HY-WP-SP-002, Procedure for Welding CVBH). If electrodes have been recovered twice, then these electrodes shall be discard.


5.8.4 The buried-arc soldering flux un-melted in SAW welding can be recovered for re-use in a vacuum device, collection disc, sweeping or other methods. The recovered soldering flux should be baked according to the

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Revision:1 requirements, and then is added and evenly mixed with new soldering flux at a ratio, and distributed for use.

SAW焊接过程中未熔化的埋弧焊剂可以用真空装置、收集盘、扫集或者其它方法回收再使用。回收后的焊剂按要求进行烘干,然后按比例加入新焊剂混合均匀后发放使用。 6. Appendix附录

Appendix 1附录1: Temperature and Humidity Records温度和湿度记录 Appendix 2附录2: Welding Material Label in Baking Oven烘干箱内焊材标签

Appendix 3附录3: Welding Material Lable in Constant Temperature Cabinet恒温箱内焊材标签 Appendix 4附录4: Baking Records of Welding Material焊材烘焙记录 Appendix 5附录5: Distribution Records of Welding Material焊材发放记录 Appendix 6附录6: Welding Materials Label焊接材料标签

Appendix 7附录7: Label of Thermal-insulating Canister and Welding Wire Canister 保温筒、焊丝筒标签 Appendix 8附录8: Collection List of Welding Material焊材领用单 Appendix9 附录9: Warehouse in/out record 焊材出库/入库记录

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Revision:1 Appendix 1: Temperature and Humidity Records附录1:温度和湿度记录

Temperature and Humidity Records温度和湿度记录

Dept.:部门: S/N序号 Date 测量日期 temperature 实测温度 MorningAfternoon 上 午 下 午 humidity 相对湿度 MorningAfternoon 上 午 下 午 Signature 记录人签字 Remark 备注

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Revision:1 Appendix 2: Welding Material Label in Baking Oven附录2:烘干箱内焊材标签

Welding Material Label in Baking Oven烘干箱内焊材标签

Ref. 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: the label should be hung on/attached to the door of baking oven (external), of which the serial number corresponds with the welding material in baking oven (from left to right, from up to down).


Trademark 型号或牌号 Specification 规格 heat/batch No. 炉/批号 Qty 数量 Baking Temperature 烘干温度 Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Page 14 of 21

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Revision:1 Appendix 3: Welding Material Label in Constant Temperature Cabinet附录3:恒温箱内焊材标签

Welding Material Label in Constant Temperature Cabinet


Ref. 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: the label should be hung on/attached to the door of constant temperature cabinet (external), of which the serial number corresponds with the welding material in baking oven (from left to right, from up to down). 说明:标签应挂/贴在恒温箱门上(外部),序号与恒温箱内焊材(从左至右,从上到下)对应。

Model or trademark 型号或牌号 Specification 规格 heat/batch No. 炉/批号 Qty 数量 Holding condition 保温条件 Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Page 15 of 21

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Appendix 4: Baking Records of Welding Material附录4:焊材烘焙记录

SNPEMC Baking Records of Welding Material 焊材烘焙记录 Page 第 页 Date 日期 Trademark 牌号 Heat/Lot No. 炉/批号 Manufacturer 生产商 Size 规格 (mm) Qty 数量 Baking temperature实烘温度 Baking time (h) 烘焙时间(h) Start time 起始时间 End time 结束时间 Holding temperature (℃) 恒温温度(℃) Times 烘干次数 Signature 烘干员签字 Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Page 16 of 21

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Appendix 5: Distribution Records of Welding Material附录5:焊材发放记录

SNPEMC Distribution Records of Welding Material焊材发放记录 Distribution (welding rod, welding wire) 发放(焊条、焊丝) SignaSignatuture re of of baking Time Qty数weldeoperato发放时 间 量 r r 焊工 烘干员签字 签字 Page 第 页 Recovery回收 Welding rod/wire end Qty * (Qty) 数量* 焊条/丝头 (个) Signature of welder 焊工 签字 Signature of baking operator 烘干员签字 Welder 焊工姓名 Stamp No. 钢印号 Collection List No 焊材领用单编号 Trademark 牌号 Size 规格 mm Heat/Lot No. 炉/批号 Manufacturer 生产商 Time 回收时 间 Note: *the quantity herein refers to the welding material with re-use available.注备:*此处数量是指可以再次使用的焊材。

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Revision:1 Appendix 6:Welding Materials Label附录6:焊接材料标签

Welding Materials Label


ASME code material 核级焊材 Manufactory 生产厂家 Trademark 牌号 Heat # 炉号 Lot # 批号 Quantity 数量 Size 规格 Inspected by 检查人 Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Page 18 of 21

Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 Appendix 7: Label of Thermal-insulating Canister and Welding Wire Canister附录7:保温筒、焊丝筒标签

Label of Portal Quiver and Welding Wire Canister


Receipt No. 验收单编号 Specification 规格 Stamp No. 焊工钢印号 Welding material model /trademark 焊材型号/牌号 Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Page 19 of 21

Procedure for Welding material control Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-003

Revision:1 Appendix 8: Collection List of Welding Material附录8:焊材领用单

Collection List of Welding Material

焊 材 领 用 单

Compiled by:编制部门: No.: 编号: [LY]-[XXXX] Part of application 使用部位 Welding process 焊接作业指导书 Corresponding traveler No. 相应流转卡 Ref.序号 Compiled by 编制 Date 日期 Trademark or model 牌号或型号 Specification 规格(mm) Qty 数量 Reviewed by 审核 Date 日期 Heat/Lot NO 炉批号 Date 日期 Note: the authorization number comprises two parts, of which “LY” means the collection of welding material and “XXXX” is serial number starting from 0001, and then 0002, 0003…


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Appendix9. Warehouse in/out record附录9. 焊材出库/入库记录

焊接材料入库记录/Warehouse-in Record for welding materials

日期 Date

焊接材料出库记录/Warehouse-out Record for welding materials

领料部门 Dept received 领料人 Received by 领料数量 QTY 生产商 Manufactory 牌号 Trademark 炉(批)号 Heat#/Lot# 规格 Size# 领料日期 Date Keeper 保管员签字 生产商 Manufactory 牌号 Trademark 炉(批)号 Heat#/Lot# 规格 Size# 单位 (Kg) 数量 /QTY. 领料部门 Dept received 烘干员签字 Received by 发料人签字 备注/Remarks Received by 注:以上表格用于一级库出库和焊条烘干房入库的记录/This table is only applied to LevelⅠwarehouse-out and baking warehouse-in of welding materials.

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