
Aliens-land-on-our-world教案 (1)

课 题 任教 教师 8AUnit 6 More Practice --- Aliens land on our world 任教学校 班级 课时 第1课时 教学 目标 By the end of the class, the students are expected to: 1. understand the meaning of the following words: alien, explosion, damaged, hide, silver, terrified, flee, feather 2. get better understanding of the story by skimming and scanning 3. distinguish who ‘aliens’ are by looking for some facts Teaching focus: 教学 Helping the students understand the title 重点 Learning difficulty: 及难点 Understanding what the words ‘aliens’ and ‘our world’ in the title refer to. 学情 分析 教学 用具 教学 过程 Lead-in Pre- reading 多媒体、黑板 Look at the picture and learn the word ‘alien’ Think about what information can be inferred from the title 1. Skim the story and answer the following questions: 1) How did aliens land on our world? 2) How many characters (角色) are there in the story? 2. Scan Paragraphs 1 & 2 to know about the beginning of the story 1)What did Tina notice and hear ? 2)Did she fall asleep when she saw these things? While- 3)What did she do when she woke up the next morning? reading 4) What did they decide to do? 3.Scan Paragraphs 3 to 5 and answer the questions to get some important facts 1) What did Tina and Tom hear/see in the forest? 2) How were the aliens and the spaceship? 4. Scan Paragraphs 6 to 8 to find more sentences that describe the aliens and the spaceship 1) What did they do after they arrived home? 2) How did they describe the aliens and the spaceship? 5. Scan Paragraphs 9 to 13 and answer the questions: 1)What did Tom and Tina do then? 2 )Did their parents believe what they said this time? 3)What did their Dad ask them to do? 4) How did Tina and Tom go to school? 5) What did his dad do after they went to school? 1. Tell which picture Tina is Post- reading 2. Understand the title by answering the three questions according to some facts in the story 1) Who are the ‘aliens’? 2) How do aliens land on ‘our world’? 3) What does ‘our world’ really mean? 课堂 Enjoy our life on the earth. 小结 Enjoy our life in another planet. 课堂 检测单 课 后 反馈 单 1) Who are the ‘aliens’? 2) How do aliens land on ‘our world’? 3) What does ‘our world’ really mean? Homework: 必1. Read the story. 做2. Tell the story to your friends. 单 选做 单 课 后 反 思
