专利名称:Method and apparatus for manufacturing a
laminated shingle
发明人:Richard N. Cunningham,Douglas D.
Smith,Romain E. Loeffler, deceased
摘要:The present invention relates to apparatus for forming a series of shingles fromtwo shingle members. In the past such apparatus has required an inordinate number ofhand operations and warehousing of such shingle members. These hand operations andwarehousing functions have resulted in a substantial number of non-conforming shingles,which must be rejected, and also causing other problems which affect the overallproductivity of such prior art apparatus. The present invention anticipates forming fromstock material a complete set of such shingle members, maintaining the shingle membersin a set in a predetermined positional relationship throughout the manufacturingoperation up to and including the formation of stacks of shingles formed thereby. Whensuch a set of shingle members includes a pair of overlay portions formed of
interdigitated tabs, the present invention permits these tabs to be defined to form twostyles of shingles. Since the set is maintained correlated throughout the laminating andstacking processes, these two styles of shingles can be placed on the roof in a
predetermined pattern to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a roof covering made thereby.
代理人:Robert M. Krone,Joseph J. Kelly,Gregory W. O'Connor