




half半,一半 night夜,夜间 on duty值日 past过 a quarter一刻钟,四分之一 quick快的(地) ready准备好的 really真正地,确实,四分之一 quick快的(地) ready准备好的 really真正地,确实 二.词组

没有时间休息 have no time for rest 没有时间吃早饭have no time for breakfast 起床 get up 准备be ready for 准备吃早饭 be ready for breakfast 值日 on duty 准备吃午餐 (be) ready for lunch 去学校 go to school 洗脸 wash one’s face 刷牙 brush one's teeth 观看足球比赛 watch a football game 看电视 watch TV 真的很热 be really hot 确实忙be really busy 开始上课 classes begin (class begins) 快点 be quick 随身带些面包 take some bread with me 让我们快点 Let’s hurry. 还没有 not yet 在夜间 at night 几点了?what time is it?/what’s the time? 该是做某事的时候了 it’s time for sth(名词)/ it’s time to do sth(动词短语) 在四点一刻 at a quarter past four 六点五十 ten to seven 三点半 half past three 十二点四十五 a quarter to one 十一点一刻 a quarter past eleven 在六点半at half past six 十二点差一刻 a quarter to twelve

太迟了it's late 忙碌的一天 a busy day吃早饭have breakfast 吃午饭have lunch 吃晚饭have supper 吃正餐have dinner 回家come home = go home (去)睡觉go to bed 需要打扫图书馆need to clean the library

做家庭作业do one's homework 想要看电视 want to watch TV 骑自行车ride a bike 骑马 ride a horse 放风筝fly a kite 洗衣服wash clothes 步行 on foot 在星星公园at Star Park 打排球play volleyball 打乒乓play table tennis 去参加聚会go to the party 加入我的行列join me 看钟look at the clock 从早上七点到晚上十点from seven in the morning to ten at night 三 句型

1. 询问几点了?可以用What's the time? = What time is it? It’s„ 2、. „.的时间到了。/ 该„了。 It’s time to„(动词词组) 如:It's time to have breakfast.

 It's time for„(名词) 如:It's time for breakfast.

3、想和我一起吗? Do you want to join me(宾格)? Yes. / No, I’m „. 4、他没时间吃早饭。 He has no time for breakfast. (同义句)

He doesn’t have any time for breakfast. (no=not any) 5、她在十点睡觉。She goes to bed at ten o'clock.

注意:在具体的几点钟前面,我们用“at”如:at ten o'clock. 在哪一天 如在星期几前面我们则用“on” on Monday 在一段时间里我们则用“in” in the morning /in a week 四.知识点解析与应用


(1) 直接照小时、分钟读。如:

7: 00 seven o’clock 5: 25 five twenty-five

9: 30 nine thirty 3: 06 three o six

如果所表示的时间是整点,就用“整点+ o’clock”表示,但o’clock常常可省略。如:7:00可以说seven o’clock,也可以说seven。 (2) 借助past和to的表达法:

① past表达法。分钟数小于3或等于30时用past,即表达为“分钟数+past+小时数”,意为“几点过几分”。如:

8: 10 ten past eight 10:25 twenty- five past ten

半点表达为“half + past+ 小时数”。如:6:30 half past six

② to表达法。分钟数大于30时用to,表达为“(60-分钟数)+to+(小时数+1)”,即“几点差几分”。如:8:40 (9 点差20 分) twenty to nine 另外,若分钟数是15或45,通常用a quarter来表示。如: 5:45 a quarter to six 4:15 a quarter past four

2. It’s time to + V. It’s time for + N ( V-ing) 是。。。。的时候了。

It’s time to have a class. == It’s time for class. It’s time to have supper. == It’s time for supper. It’s time to go to bed === It’s time for bed. It’s time to get up. === It’s time for getting up. 类似的用法还有:

Are you ready to have dinner ? = Are you ready for dinner ?

There’s no time to have breakfast . = There’s no time for breakfast . 3. to+ 动词原形的词组

want to 想要 I’d like to我想要 need to 必须

Don’t forget to别忘了要 try to 试着 It’s time to …该。。。 be ready to…准备。。。
