专利名称:Differential capacitive transducer and
method of making
发明人:L. Bruce Wilner申请号:US07/491132申请日:19900308公开号:US04999735A公开日:19910312
摘要:A differential variable capacitance acceleration sensor includes a sandwichstructure having three stacked plates of silicon with the center plate mounted such thatits center portion is enables to move in a sealed cavity with each side thereof movingtoward and away from a fixed cooperating plate forming the opposite side of a capacitivecircuit. The center portion or mass of the center plate is suspended from its rim by meansof a large number of integral fingers extending from the rim to the top and bottomsurfaces of the center portion. This center mass includes a number of through holes topermit the passage of air from one side to the other and may also include grooves to aidin the flow of air. The fixed top plate or lid and the base also have, or may have, groovesto assist in the passage of air. The integral fingers are formed in sinuous curves or otherform varying from straightness but having a significant tension such that when the centermass is displaced during a sensed acceleration, the fingers tend toward straightness. Inan alternative embodiment, the fingers are bars having corrugations stepped betweendifferent planes.
代理人:Robert A. Walsh,James W. McFarland