专利名称:High viscosity liquid controlled delivery
system and medical or surgical device
发明人:John W. Gibson,Stacey S. Miller,John C.
Middleton,Arthur J. Tipton
摘要:The present invention relates to novel nonpolymeric compounds andcompositions that form liquid, high viscosity materials suitable for the delivery of
biologically active substances in a controlled fashion, and for use as medical or surgicaldevices. The materials can optionally be diluted with a solvent to form a material of lowerviscosity, rendering the material easy to administer. This solvent may be water insolubleor water soluble, where the water soluble solvent rapidly diffuses or migrates away fromthe material in vivo, leaving a higher viscosity liquid material.
申请人:John W. Gibson,Stacey S. Miller,John C. Middleton,Arthur J. Tipton
地址:Springville AL US,Birmingham AL US,Birmingham AL US,Birmingham AL US
代理人:Thomas P. McCracken