
Method and device for processing a carcass part of


专利名称:Method and device for processing a carcass

part of slaughtered poultry

发明人:Petrus Christianus Hendrikus

Janssen,Gerardus Johannes Catharina VanBussel,Adrianus Josephes Van DenNieuwelaar



摘要:A method for processing a carcass part of slaughtered poultry includes makinga preliminary incision on both sides of the sternum, the preliminary incision leaving thepart of the membrane that is present between the inner fillet and the outer fillet intact,scraping loose the meat that lies against the sternum on either side using a first scraper,scraping at least a part of the meat of the inner fillet loose from the rib cage using asecond scraper, cutting through the membrane connection between the inner fillet andthe rib cage, and removing the outer fillet and the inner fillet from the bone parts of thecarcass part, in which the connection between the inner fillet and the outer fillet remainsintact.

申请人:Petrus Christianus Hendrikus Janssen,Gerardus Johannes Catharina VanBussel,Adrianus Josephes Van Den Nieuwelaar

地址:Wilbertoord NL,Neerkant NL,Gemert NL


代理机构:Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP

