


  Hello, everyone! I am a small tour guide Chen Mingxiao. Welcome to themagnificent the Great Wall. Today, I am honored to introduce to you the theGreat Wall, the great ancient Chinese architecture. Now, let's start a tour ofthe Great Wall!

  As the saying goes, "less than the Great Wall is not a good man", climbingthe Great Wall must have perseverance and unyielding perseverance anddetermination, and can not give up halfway. We can watch and climb on the otherside. Let me first introduce the Great Wall to you: the Great Wall is made up ofGuan Cheng, enemy building, smoke pier, Beacon Tower, enemy platform, wallplatform, woo wall, stack, hole, perforation, etc. The Beacon Tower and themound are used to deliver the enemy. During the day, smoked on smoked pits, andthe number of smoke piles represents the number of enemy soldiers. I can't seethe smoke at night and make a fire on the Beacon Tower. This way of transmittinginformation was the fastest and most effective in that era, and Beacon Towerplayed a very important role.

  At this time, I saw a child climbing on the wall. I held him down and saidto everyone, "please be careful not to climb on the wall. It is very dangerous.Outside the wall is a dangerous mountain. Falling down is not fun! "

  Now, let me tell you more about the story of the Great Wall: Once upon atime, there was a man named Meng Jiangnu who went to dress for her husband whorepaired the Great Wall. She went to the Great Wall, but she didn't find herhusband. She quickly asked others that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Shecried and cried for many years. Finally, she cried down the Great Wall andfinally saw her husband.

  The Great Wall is beautiful, magnificent, winding, and you are welcome tovisit it.
