


  Dear friends

  hello everyone!

  Welcome to Zhangjiajie. I'm very glad to visit Huangshi village, thelargest skyscraper in Zhangjiajie. People often say that "not to Huangshi Zhai,to Zhangjiajie in vain", we can see that Huangshi Zhai is the essence of theentire Zhangjiajie landscape. A famous poet used to comment on Huangshi villagelike this: "five steps are strange, seven steps are amazing, ten steps away,dumbfounded."

  Now, please follow me along this "fir forest path" to enjoy the beautifulscenery on both sides. This is a row of steep and winding mountain road. Sinceancient times, there is only one road to mount Huangshi. The road we took onthis day was artificially dug more than ten years ago.

  Please listen, there are lots of songs coming from the front. This is abeautiful Tujia folk song. In front of it is the Tujia girls' singing platform.Beautiful Tujia girls are singing and dancing to welcome all the guests. Willtheir beautiful songs arouse your infinite yearning for Tujia folk customs? Willtheir hospitality, simplicity and kindness bring you a kind of simple andhappiness that you have never had before? At this moment, do you realize thetrue meaning of "beautiful mountains, beautiful water, more beautiful people" inZhangjiajie?

  On the opposite side of the mountain on the right, there is a round stonepillar about 20 meters high, on which there is a stone box about 3 meters longand 1.5 meters wide. On the stone box, there is a stone cover, half of which isin the air, half of which is on the box, surrounded by five green pines andcypresses. It is said that Zhang Liang once hid the three volumes of the book ofheaven in the casket. Later, because of the end of the war, Zhang Liang took outthe book of heaven and put it in other places. However, he forgot to close thecover and left a half open casket. Because the stone box once contained the bookof heaven, it was known as the "treasure box of book of heaven".

  Please look ahead. There is only one passage between the two mountains. Itis shaped like a gate. It has the momentum of "one man is in charge of the passand ten thousand people are not allowed to open it". That is the"Nantianmen".

  Please look over here.

  Along the direction of my finger is "dinghaishen needle". It is tall andstraight, towering, it seems to support the whole mountain with a strong body."Dinghaishenzhen" and "jinbianyan" form a very spectacular "natural strongscene" in the distance. What is the isolated Zhufeng scenic spot in front of it?It rises from the ground, straight into the sky, and is more than 300 metershigh. This is the famous "nantianyizhu" in Zhangjiajie, which is named becauseit stands under the Nantianmen. "A pillar in the South sky" is a close-up of thewhole scenery of Wulingyuan. It is the epitome of the whole "Wulingyuan" quartzsandstone peak forest landscape, and also the emblem and symbol of "ZhangjiajieInternational Forest Protection Festival".

  Speaking of the landform of quartz sandstone peak forest, you may wonderwhy nature is so magical. According to scientific argumentation, more than 300million years ago, there used to be a vast ocean. About 100 million years ago,due to the impact of waves, quartz sandstone deposited more than 500 metersthick on the seabed. After the neotectonic movement strongly uplifted, therebecame land. After the surface uplifted, under the deep action of water, somefine sand and stones were washed away. In addition, under the action of gravity,the rock collapsed, and was slowly washed away by rain and streams. As a result,Wulingyuan area gradually formed this peculiar quartz sandstone peak forestlandform for a long time.

  Well, now I want to tell you that our gate has successfully ascended thetop of Huangshi village. I'll take you to the star picking platform to have alook. Standing on the stage, you can feel the feeling of "looking at the smallmountains". Personality is that at night, there is a feeling of being close tothe stars. It seems that once you reach out, you can "pick off" the stars in thesky.

  The artificial scenic spot in front of us is "Liuqi Pavilion". "Sixwonders" accurately refers to the wonders of mountains, waters, clouds, stones,animals and plants. Well, our tour is coming to an end. Welcome to Huangshivillage again.
