


Monaco Editor

The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powersVS Code, a good page describing the code editor's features is here .


Please mention the version of the editor when creating issues and the browser you're having trouble in.

This repository contains only the scripts to glue things together, please create issues against the actual repositories where the source code lives:

  • monaco-editor-core:Issues -- npm module (Issues with the editor itself)
  • monaco-typescript:Issues -- npm module (Issues with JavaScript or TypeScript language support)
  • monaco-languages:Issues -- npm module (Issues with bat, coffee script, cpp, csharp, fsharp, go, ini, jade, lua, objective-c, powershell, python, r, ruby, sql, swift, vb or xml)
  • Known issues

    In IE, the editor must be completely surrounded in the body element, otherwise the hit testing we do for mouse operations does not work. You can inspect this using F12 and clicking on the body element and confirm that visually it surrounds the editor.


    npm install monaco-editor

    You will get:

  • inside dev : bundled, not minified
  • inside min : bundled, and minified
  • inside min-maps : source maps for min
  • monaco.d.ts : this specifies the API of the editor (this is what is actually versioned, everything else is considered private and might break with any release).
  • It is recommended to develop against the dev version, and in production to use the min version.


    Here is the most basic HTML page that embeds the editor. More samples are available at monaco-editor-samples .
