
发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 11:27



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译文:manipulative ability, hands-on ability, practical ability or ability of practice ?

manipulative牛津释义:connected with the ability to handle objects skilfully(formal) 熟练操作的;有操作能力的

hands-on牛津释义:doing sth rather than just talking about it 动手的;实际操作的

hands-on computer training


practical牛津释义1:good at making or repairing things (of a person 人) 心灵手巧的;善于制作(或修补)的

practical牛津释义2:connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories 实际的;真实的;客观存在的

parctice 牛津释义:action rather than ideas 实践;实际行动

注:practical ability肯定是错误的,manipulative ability也不正确,既然是能力,就有好坏之分,但manipulative显然强调的是熟练操作,具备操作能力;hands-on 在意思上讲的过去,但是在实际的应用中并不多。


1、"Manipulative ability" makes me think they are manipulative, which is not a good thing to be (in my opinion). I'd say "They are good with their hands" if it's a question of handiwork and handicrafts.

2、I could say 'they are good round the house' or 'they are good at practical things' or 'they know how to look after themselves', though this last expression can easily mean, in other contexts, that they are good in a fight.

3、It's quite a task to find an expression that covers all those things. I think we talk about someone having "a practical mind" or being "good at making things".

总结:动手能力翻译成the ability of practice 没错,再或者就是意译成They are good with their hands;'they are good at practical things;good at making things.
